It is partially distributed virtual RI, based on an existing HPC infrastructure at Vilnius University and on the network of distributed and parallel computing and e-services. It enables comprehensive scientific data maintenance. The RI is meant to create, maintain and develop an e-infrastructure (grid, cloud computing, high-performance computing, virtual repositories, related data sets), to serve the academic environment, public sector, business needs, and requests from foreign partners.
Lithuanian Grid Infrastructure for High-Performance Computing (LitGrid-HPC) project deploy the technological innovations or use new technologies in HPC, grid and cloud computing, especially via participation in the European Grid Initiative (EGI) and HPC activities. One of the main goals is to strengthen the Lithuanian users of HPC, to enable high impact scientific discovery and engineering research and development across all disciplines, to stimulate Lithuanian users in Physical and Technological Sciences to participate in common European research projects.
The „VU HPC” supercomputer infrastructure at Vilnius University is concentrated in two public access supercomputing locations with dedicated interconnect:

  • Vilnius University Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics: „VU MIF„,
  • Vilnius University Faculty of Physics: „HPC Saulėtekis„.